Thursday 22 October 2009

3rd event
We got into the main exhibition hall. This space is surprisingly big.


  1. i would like to add on something before we enter the main exhibition hall of NEC. remember the entrance of the NEC? the lighting are much more brighter than other places and then the entrances board was Red. i feel the "corridor"(?) which lead to the NEC is just like an invisible signage to lead people heading to it. along the road we saw different posters on the wall, good way to promote the events in NEC.

    and when we enter the main exhibition hall. the place are so modern as they using the very strong colors like red, orange, lime green to design the space. those colors and the organic, wavy shape create a kind of modern, art's ambience.

    and then we went into the "interbuild hall". it's quite surprise to see people were cleaning up after event. I had no idea why I feel happy in there. maybe everything seems fun to me as never see it before? after that, the UNDER ARRESTED INCCIDENT happened. guess should leave it for lee to describe it haha.

  2. forgot to mention that the escalator of NEC entrance was out of service. not a big deal to walk down it but while we were on the way back to interchange its quite a long stairs to climb. =P

  3. a tunnel connecting the train station and the nec. The first thing that changed; it got quieter. Carpet on the floor no windows regularly spaced advertisement replaced them. Completely disconnected one way in one way out! what is this place like in the dark? Like aliens? i heard Lebbeus Woods worked on the set designs for alien 3, had he been here?
    we got into Hall 3a it was gigantic a complete contrast (in terms of scale) to just outside. It had even less character, if this were a painting or a piece of music i'd be praising it for its minimalisms but can't quite accept it here? it doesn't matter.
    People were clearing up after a show. well organised, no one wasting time, was suprised to be in here we obviously don't fit in; holding our measuring devices 2 foot infront of our faces randomly orbiting the entrance it didn't last long:
    a security guard really confuzed me by asking where i had come from? is that a rhetorical question i thought; from the centre of a star 2 million light years from here i thought,
    "how do you mean?" is what i mustered up
    "well how did you get in here?"
    "Through the door i replied?"
    "are you supposed to be here? (another rhetorical question?) do you have permission?"
    "i'm not sure?"
    "follow me"
    he went on to tell us all about how the world was and because of this, we can't be just walking around documenting what they have.
    Who is this guy working for?
    how far away is this world? i just want to find cool sounds today.
    we left.
