Monday 5 October 2009

Traveling without moving

In response to Lees video. I like the contrast between the sound and the visual. It creates an something unusual. The progression from the birdsong to the electronic sounds suggests progression or movement through time?? Development...

The idea about our temporal western society needs to have a destination. I agree with this. I believe whether its a secular society or not we as humans need to have purpose, to get somewhere, or to achieve something.. If we didn't life does become nihilistic and meaningless...

Talking about the anticipation of a journey...

Each in intersecting "mobility" presupposes a "system". These systems make possible movement: they provide "spaces of anticipation" that the journey can be made, that the message will get through, that the parcel will arrive.- john urry mobility

My initial blog was addressing the issue of the internet and how we interact with it now. "We are what we share..."
In a previous blog I spoke about the internet and how we control it. Governments are scared..The internet is an amazing tool to communicate, to share ideas to start a revolution.. It gives us all the ability to promote our ideologies.
We are all very dependent on it. It is a space that WE can all go to.. However it is strange because it doesn't actually exist...??
How far will our technology go?
I believe the internet is threatening life as we know it.
Will we all eventually be content with sitting in front of a computer screen? or being engaged or connected somehow??
We can do almost everything from the computer screen.... Will we become so content that eventually we will only embark on our "journey" on a virtual level, in this parallel universe?? Has everyone heard of second life

We could live and experience in this virtual world.

You could say we would be traveling without moving?? ?

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