Thursday, 8 October 2009

The mobility of infomation

In response to Loongs blog:-

The American dream was to be prosperous; it was the land of opportunities. I don’t think it was necessarily to become famous. The social mobility of moving though the class system is an interesting approach on social mobility. In this current economic climate I guess many of the higher classes may be affected. However the eventually the poorer will become poorer.

Lee the idea of territories is an exciting idea. It may be something we should all look into?? We should try to differentiate between different territories and how they affect movement relating not only to physical, virtual, social and political.

I have created a video for as an individual response to the task at hand. My initial interest was in how the Internet is affecting our society. I wanted my video to portray a place where we are bombarded with information. It is a place where we can do everything from/in. Experience the world… This is reducing our need to actually be physically mobile.. Now there is no need to go to the shops we have tescos online shopping or even go to the library we have wikkipedia…

It’s a “parallel universe” It’s travelling without moving?!

I went on to think about what is the consequence of our growing dependence on the Internet? I went to a great lecture about the future of Digbeth a few days ago. One council representative shared the plan of making Digbeth a “digital district” It seems that our governments priority is connecting people.

Apart from the obvious benefits of the Internet, it does enable a potential invasion of privacy… Governments, the police, the general public even “big brother” are watching you!! The internet allows for the masses to be monitored Before this nihilistic society, religion was used to control the masses.. now is it the internet??

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