Wednesday 21 October 2009

hi guys i have read some article and news about why the facebook being blocked ,this actually related to the topic which we discussing.
After the deadly riots in its western region of Xinjiang, China’s central government has taken all the usual steps to block citizens from accessing foreign web services: aside from crippling Internet service in general, the authorities have blocked Twitter, removed unapproved references to the violence from search engines and even bar its citizens from accessing Facebook from most parts of Mainland China. Because those websites are examples of strong media which can actually spread news very fast and threaten a country. so the china blocks some website to protect its own territory. Besides that, like north korea, Isereal and some countries, they actually also blocking some info from getting into their territories. all of these political moblity is control by the governments. but what i was thinkin is that we have the rights to know what is happening out there? don't we?

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